How do I apply EOR strips?

Visual learner? No problem, check out our application video here!

Most horses will allow you to place the EOR strip in the fold of the upper gum above the incisor teeth, or below the lower incisors on the gums of the lower arcade. The blood supply and absorptive capacity may be a little better up top, on the upper arcade. For some horses, specifically those that don’t like their mouth handled, or oral dewormers, may not be the best candidates for EOR.

Alternatively, the mouthpiece of the bit can be used as well. Just wet the EOR strip or dunk it in a water bucket before wrapping the mouthpiece of the bit tightly. It will absorb through the horse's oral mucosa while riding and deliver product while you are exercising your horse. The OG EOR strip is excellent for this application.

What are EOR strips?

EOR strips are a bad ”ass” novel, patented and common sense method to deliver nutrition and enhance hydration for your horse. Seriously though, it is an oral film strip that is placed on the horses mucous membranes (gums)above the upper incisor teeth. It dissolves and product (in this case the OG strip) energy metabolites are absorbed directly into the bloodstream bypassing the stomach and GI system. It’s like a combination of a listerine breath strip and a fruit roll up but it delivers the goods to your pony. We have multiple patents pending in this space along with utilizing patented microencapsulation technology. This novel delivery has many benefits, and a ton of potential applications and future formulations to ensure the health and well-being of your horse.

How do EOR strips work?

An EOR strip is placed on the gums above the upper incisor teeth and/or below the lower incisors. Depending on hydration the strip dissolves over 10-20 minutes. During this time, it is being absorbed directly into the bloodstream allowing the product to go to work immediately. In the case of The Original EOR strip this includes energy metabolites, electrolytes, glucose, and vitamin B12. EOR strips can be used peri-workout, immediately before, during and after exercise. The time the body needs nutrition but is not allowed that option due to potential complications such as colic.

Using the oral mucosa is not a new target for delivery of product. Heck, cowboys have been chewing tobacco and absorbing nicotine via the gums since Moby Dick was a minnow! If medical doctors use sublingual/ under the tongue nitroglycerin to stop a heart attack asap, it must be a pretty dadgum good way to deliver nutrients.

Who uses EOR strips?

EOR strips can be of benefit to a wide range of horses, their owners, and equine professionals. No matter the level or discipline of the horse, the ease and efficacy of the EOR strip makes it suitable for high level competition horses and pasture pets alike. Other notable users would be equine veterinary clinics, commercial horse haulers, and international travelers. When it comes to The OG EOR strip a universally important use is to encourage hydration and water consumption during hot/cold weather, and during transport. We’ve even had a client use it on a down cow with good results!

It was developed for a cutting horse mare named Frosty. During a multi day event, she would start off crushing it, but by sunday she was tired and exhausted. She would just run out of energy. The multi-day format takes its toll, and the stress on young horses stabled in new environments is often dismissed. So hopefully this product will help horses like Frosty and their owners live up to their potenti

When should I use EOR strips?

In reference to The Original EOR strip, you can use it whenever you need your horses to be their best and maintain a good hydration status.

For performance enhancement, we recommend one hour prior to the event, immediately before, during, and after.

For hauling long distances, we recommend the night before to encourage hydration overnight, the morning of travel and once again upon arrival.

What are the potential health benefits of The OG EOR strip?

The OG EOR strip may enhance hydration and performance, delays onset of fatigue, speeds recovery, and has the ability to provide peri-workout nutrients.

Horses that are prone to GI ulcers are also great candidates because further insult to the stomach is avoided and bypassed via oral mucoadhesive absorption.

Every triathlete and human athlete I know focuses on nutrition, I mean obsesses about it! Particularly around their training sessions or events/games, called peri-workout nutrition.

This is a common sense approach to a commonly overlooked problem.

Just because ”Grandpa or Uncle Marvin/Jim didn’t do it like that” doesn’t mean that it can’t be done.

Why should EOR strips be used for horses competing in all levels of competition?

Competition horses experience times of stress and the EOR strip may help to ensure maximal hydration, health and performance.

What regulatory bodies have approved the use of EOR strips?

All active ingredients are available in your kitchen, BUT since we are developing something entirely new, we don’t foresee any issues with the Original formula.

Where can I get EOR strips?

You are closer than you think, on our website and in the future through your veterinarian.

What is delivered in the EOR strip?

Our pipeline is extensive and expanding. However, we are riding in new country and unexplored territory so we have lots of educating to do for the horse community and ourselves. Our current focus is on the OG formula which is glucose, electrolytes, (sodium,potassium,chloride) and vitamin B12.

What if my horse swallows it?

No worries!

We have some of those horses in our clinical veterinary practice, so we tried to feed the OG strip like treats. The EOR technology and additives that enable it to dissolve and absorb are very sticky. Essentially it gets stuck in their mouth until it dissolves. During that time the horse may get agitated, curl his lip or paw the ground. Allowing access to water helps it dissolve faster. Using caution the owner can flush the mouth with a water hose or dose syringe. Most of them resolve or absorb within 10-15 minutes.

What if it freezes?

It will be very brittle when frozen due to moisture content, but will return to normal once allowed to return to room temperature and can be used as normal. Word of advice, it freezes FAST, heckuva lot faster than water. So keep it warm till application.

How should I store it?

Room temp is fine, tack room temp can get cold if below freezing, trailer tack room temp it seems to do ok in the shade.

Don’t leave them on the dashboard of your truck in the hot Texas sun, it will dehydrate after a few days.

Can I use EOR while hauling my horse across the country or in a new setting?

This is a perfect application and use in addition to competition to help ensure hydration. We know it’s difficult allowing horse access to water on the trailer, but offer it as often as possible.

New environments are scary to some. EOR aids to encourage hydration in that scenario.

Some of our future clients may use it when flying competition horses overseas during travel.

Will my horse be thirsty after application/absorption?

You can lead a horse to water but……

Yes, it may encourage hydration and water consumption in most horses. We recommend fresh clean water be accesssible at all times.

What if my horse refuses to allow me to apply EOR strips?

Bummer, then unfortunately, your horse is not candidate for EOR

See Horsemanship 101

What if my dog or child eats it?

Contact your veterinarian or medical personnel.

As stated earlier, you can find all the active ingredients in your kitchen cabinet

Horsemanship 101- Application Tips

If your horse is reluctant to accept the application of the EOR strip, you can get a friend to hold the horse while you apply. Sometimes horses are better with the bit in their mouth, and you could safely try applying while bitted up.

Alternatively, you can just dip the EOR strip in water, then wrap the mouthpiece of the bit tightly with the strip.

Some horses just don't like their mouths messed with, those horses are not good candidates for EOR. Safety of horse and rider are more important than EOR application.

What if my horse curls his lip?

The flehmen response/ lip curl is an indication your horse is smelling something. Stud colts and stallions are often seen doing this in response to mares in heat. Picture worthy to share on your Insta but not a major cause for concern.

What if my horse tries to rub it out?

Most tolerate it well, but there are a few that are unsure about “what all is up in there?” We recommend that you tie the horse up so that it cant rub his knee, or put the horse to work. Bottom line, use common sense and watch the horse the first few times after application.

Is it performance enhancing?

Yes, by enhancing nutrition and hydration but NOT outlawed by any governing bodies.

Is it ok for horses with ulcers?

It’s perfect to be used in horses with GI problems because it bypasses the GI system and is directly absorbed into the bloodstream alleviating further insult to gastric ulcers, etc.

What is the bit wrap delivery method?

The composition of EOR is such that it is malleable and soft like a fruit roll up. You can wet the strip and wrap the mouthpiece of the bit so that it can slowly dissolve and be absorbed while you are riding your horse. This allows delivery of the product during the peri-workout time, when he needs it most.

Will EOR prevent colic?

No, but it does tend to encourage water consumption and promote hydration. Dehydration is arguably the most common cause of colic and poor performance.

If it makes one horse drink more and avoid colic in any circumstance, we consider that a success,

Is EOR ok for metabolic horses? Insulin resistance, cushings, PSSM etc.

Simply NO!

While the sugar/ carb content is minimal, it's a little bit and we all know it doesn’t take much to trigger an episode of laminitis.

Another version in our future pipeline will be more conducive for those chunky dudes and big boned gals!

Are there potential side effects?

No, not really

Don’t let them swallow it if you can avoid it. If they do have an issue contact your veterinarian and please make us aware as well!

I give my horse Lasix 4 hours before compete because he is a bleeder (EIPH), Can I use EOR?

Yes, we recommend that you use it 30 minutes or immediately prior to competition due to its effect on increased water consumption. It will aid in metabolite supplementation and give them some energy if administered immediately before or after. Lasix/furosemide is a diuretic that in turn makes horses thirsty, which also depletes potassium to some extent. So we don’t want to overdo it and make them hangry for water immediately post-exercise.

Why should my horse use the EOR strip?

Horses that travel or stressed may suffer some degree of dehydration, and need additional encouragement to consume water. Most horses don’t receive any peri-workout nutrition immediately before , during and after exercise, when they need it most.

Horses that are prone to GI ulcers are great candidates because further insult to the stomach is avoided and bypassed via oral mucoadhesive absorption.

Water is life! Hydrated horse is a healthy and happy horse.

Will this replace my horse’s daily electrolyte supplement?

No, it is meant to be used in collaboration with your favorite supplements. This is not something that needs to be used daily under normal circumstances, like a daily supplement. We recommend it to be used during times of stress, performance and changing environmental conditions, like a weather change or change of stalls, barns, farms etc.

How do you know EOR works?

We get asked this a lot from larger companies that have nutritional products on the market.

EOR is the outcome of years of research. We work closely with a human Oral film strip company, that has been a leader in the industry. Multiple human medical products and research papers indicate that oral mucosa is a valid target. It does spike blood glucose post administration during crude beta testing.

We will be allocating revenue for independent research for validation in the future. When you bootstrap a project of this magnitude, you have to prioritize funding but we are making arrangements for research at a university.

Anecdotally, we know it works, according to feedback from our customers and clients.